When a car breaks down, it might not be a big deal, just an annoyance. That’s not the case on water! When your boat starts acting up, it’s easy to lose your bearings. Depending on the circumstances and the time of day, this could put you in a tough spot. To avoid needless stress and unfortunate consequences, policyholders can call on skilled assistance providers who hold Pleasure Craft Operator Cards.
Fast, easy towing (24/7)
Available 365 days a year, marine assistance by telephone provides you with the contacts you need to get towed, depending on your situation. The assistance provider can contact the right people for you and remain on the line until help arrives. This service is available for bodies of water in Canada, the United States, and even the Bahamas! If your boat has been damaged, you’ll be connected directly to the claims department to file your claim.
Filing a claim
Our experts will assist you if you have an accident. This service makes it fast and easy to file your claim.
Trip-long assistance
The concierge service is here to help you plan your getaway (contacting marinas and booking space there, advice on repair centers, etc.) and guide you with your everyday tasks and recreation activities (booking a hotel or a marina, buying concert tickets, etc.).
Appraising the market value of your craft
Properly appraising the value of a craft is key to planning for a potential transaction. APRIL Marine assistance providers can support you in this task as well. Our policyholders appreciate this free-of-charge service, which consults various recognized sources to assess the market value of your current boat or a new one you’re looking to buy. The estimate will be given to you in writing, and you can use it as needed.